
Teachers' activities

業績 / 松原英一

原著論文/Original papers


Eiichi Matsubara, Masaya Nagai, and Masaaki Ashida, “Coherent detection of ultrabroadband infrared pulses using single crystal of diamond”, Applied Physics Express vol.14(3) 032005-1 – 032005-4 (2021).

Dolf Timmerman, Eiichi Matsubara, Leyre Gomez, Masaaki Ashida, Tom Gregorkiewicz, Yasufumi Fujiwara, “Direct Visualization and Determination of the Multiple Exciton Generation Rate”, ACS Omega vol. 5(34), 21506 – 21512 (2020).

Eiichi Matsubara, “Active learning of the physics of radiology in a seminar for third-year students”, Journal of Osaka Dental University Vol. 53(2), pp 127 – 132 (2019).

Kobayashi, Y. Arashida, G. Yamashita, E. Matsubara, M. Ashida, J.A. Johnson, and I. Katayama, “Fast-frame single-shot pump-probe spectroscopy with chirped-fiber Bragg gratings”, Optics Letters Vol. 44, Issue 1, pp. 163-166 (2019).


Chris de Weerd, Leyre Gomez, Antonio Capretti, Delphine M. Lebrun, Eiichi Matsubara, Junhao Lin, Masaaki Ashida, Frank C.M. Spoor, Laurens D.A. Siebbeles, Arjan J. Houtepen, Kazutomo Suenaga, Yasufumi Fujiwara and Tom Gregorkiewicz, “Efficient carrier multiplication in CsPbI3 perovskite nanocrystals” Nature Communications Vol. 9, 1−9 (2018). (IF=12.353)

Tomohiro Inaba, Takanori Kojima, Genki Yamashita, Eiichi Matsubara, Brandon Mitchell, Reina Miyagawa, Osamu Eryu, Jun Tatebayashi, Masaaki Ashida, and Yasufumi Fujiwara, “Quantitative study of energy-transfer mechanism in Eu,O-codoped GaN by time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy”, Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 123, 161419(1)−(6) (2018).

Yamashita, E. Matsubara, M. Nagai, C. Kim, H. Akiyama, Y. Kanemitsu, M. Ashida, “Sensitive monitoring of photocarrier densities in the active layer of a photovoltaic device with time-resolved terahertz reflection spectroscopy”, Applied Physics Letters Vol. 110, 071108(1)−(4) (2017).

Kitao, E. Matsubara, K. Kakimoto, T. Tsujibayashi, and Y. Komasa, “Processing of ceramic blocks using femtosecond laser”, Journal of Japan Society of Laser Dentistry Vol. 27 No. 3, pp. 90−100 (2016).

Eiichi Matsubara, Takeshi Mochizuki, Masaya Nagai, and Masaaki Ashida, “Self-polarized terahertz magnon absorption in a single crystal of BiFeO3”, Physical Review B Vol. 94, 054426(1)−(6) (2016).

Toru Tsujibayashi, Eiichi Matsubara, Masayoshi Ichimiya, Nobuhito Ohno, “Luminescence due to peptide linkage observed in L-cysteine molecules irradiated by infrared laser light”, Journal of Luminescence Vol. 169 Part B, 649−653 (2016).

Eiichi Matsubara, Takeshi Mochizuki, Masaya Nagai, Toshimitsu Ito and Masaaki Ashida, “Ultrafast near-infrared nonlinear absorption in a multiferroic single crystal of bismuth ferrite”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 54, pp.092201(1) − (5) (2015).

Yamashita, E. Matsubara, M. Nagai, Y. Kanemitsu, and M. Ashida, “Intrinsic carrier multiplication efficiency in bulk Si crystals evaluated by optical-pump/terahertz-probe spectroscopy”, Appied Physics Letters Vol. 105, pp.231118(1)−(4) (2014).

Nagai, E. Matsubara, M. Ashida, J. Takayanagi and H. Ohtake, “Generation and Detection of THz Pulses with a Bandwidth Extending Beyond 4 THz Using a Sub-picosecond Yb-doped Fiber Laser System”, IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology Vol. 4, pp. 440−446 (2014).


Katayama, R. Akai, M. Bito, E. Matsubara, M. Ashida, “Electric field detection of phase-locked near-infrared pulses using photoconductive antenna”, Optics Express Vol.21, Issue 14, pp.16248−16254 (2013).

Masaya Nagai, Yutaka Kamon, Yosuke Minowa, Eiichi Matsubara, and Masaaki Ashida, “Coherent transitions between the shallow accepter levels in germanium using the intense THz pulses”, New Journal of Physics Vol. 15, 065012 (10 pages) (2013).

Eiichi Matsubara, Masaya Nagai, and Masaaki Ashida, “Coherent infrared spectroscopy system from terahertz to near infrared using air plasma produced by 10-fs pulses”, Journal of the Optical Society of America B Vol.30, Issue 6, pp.1627−1630 (2013).

Eiichi Matsubara, Masaya Nagai, and Masaaki Ashida, “Ultrabroadband coherent electric field from far infrared to 200THZ using air plasma inducedby 10-fs pulses”, Applied Physics Letters Vol. 101, Issue 1, 011105 (1)−(4) (2012).

Masaya Nagai, Eiichi Matsubara, and Masaaki Ashida,  “High-efficiency terahertz pulse generation via optical rectification by suppressing stimulated Raman scattering process”, Optics Express Vol. 20, Issue 6, pp.6509−6514 (2012).

Eiichi Matsubara, Yuta Kawamoto, Taro Sekikawa, and Mikio Yamashita, “Generation of ultrashort optical pulses in the 10-fs regime using multicolor Raman sidebands in KTaO3”, Optics Letters Vol. 34, Issue 12, pp.1837−1839 (2009).


Eiichi Matsubara, Taro Sekikawa, and Mikio Yamashita, “Generation of ultrashort optical pulses using multiple coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering in a crystal at room temperature”, Applied Physics Letters Vol. 92, Issue 7, 071104 (1)−(3) (2008).

Kuon Inoue, Jun Kato, Eiichi Hanamura, Hayato Matsuki, and Eiichi Matsubara, “Broadband coherent radiation based on peculiar multiple Raman scattering by laser-induced phonon gratings in TiO2”, Physical Review B Vol. 76, Issue 4, 041101(R) (1)−(4) (2007).

Eiichi Matsubara, Keisaku Yamane, Taro Sekikawa, and Mikio Yamashita, “Generation of 2.6-fs Optical Pulses Using Induced Phase Modulation in a Gas-Filled Hollow Fiber”, Journal of the Optical Society of America B Vol. 24, Issue 4, pp.985−989 (2007).

Eiichi Matsubara, Kuon Inoue, and Eiichi Hanamura, “Dynamical Symmetry Breaking Induced by Ultrashort Laser Pulses in  KTaO3”, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Vol. 75, 024712 1−12 (2006).

Eiichi Matsubara, Kuon Inoue, and Eiichi Hanamura, “Violation of Raman selection rules induced by two femtosecond laser pulses in KTaO3”, Physical Review B Vol. 72, Issue 13, 134101(1)−(5) (2005).

Jun-ichi Takahashi, Eiichi Matsubara, Takahisa Arima, and Eiichi Hanamura, “Coherent multistep anti-Stokes and stimulated Raman scattering associated with third harmonics in YFeO3 crystals”, Physical Review B Vol. 68, Issue 15, 155102 (1)−(5) (2003).

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テーマの著者 Anders Norén