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Student Counseling Room and Learning-Disabled Student Support Room

The Student Counseling Room was set up to help students resolve any personal problems that may be impeding their studies. Its main functions are as follows:

  • (1)To listen to students experiencing personal problems and help them resolve those problems quickly.
  • (2)To carry out any investigations, testing or analysis necessary to help students with problems.
  • (3)To plan and hold events such as presentations and seminars to give teachers information on how to help students.
  • (4)Other activities necessary to help students.

The school also set up the Learning-Disabled Student Support Room, to provide adequate help for students with learning disabilities as stipulated in the Act on Support for Persons with Development Disabilities. Its main functions are as follows:

  • (1)To decide whether a student will receive support.
  • (2)To form or dismantle support teams.
  • (3)To raise teachers' awareness relating to assisted learning.
  • (4)To appoint tutors where necessary to assist students.
  • (5)Other activities necessary to assist learning-disabled students.

Student Counseling Room

Learning-Disabled Student Support Room

Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Staff Member
Counsellor Consultant
Counsellor Consultant